Research Objectives

  • Assist communities in alleviating the life of the people, providing them with competencies to live a quality life
  • Share expertise, facilities and manpower with other agencies, organizations for the improvement of the quality of life of the people
  • Provide students an avenue where principles and theories learned in a classroom applied and actualized through a real-life situation.
  • Uphold measures and initiatives that promote green community, environmental protection, public health and welfare
  • Packaging of Extension Programs/Projects.



A. Community Organization
Equip adults, youth and children of the community with competencies for organizing, leading and managing.

B. Educational Program
Provide adequate knowledge through seminars/trainings to the partner schools for them to improve their teaching skills, values and strengthen family relationship.

C. Socio-economic Program
1. Provide adequate knowledge through technology transfer to the people in the service area for them to earn a living.
2. Share expertise, facilities and manpower with other client agencies or organizations for the improvement of the quality of life of the people.

D. Health & Nutrition Program
Assist communities for community people  consultation and feeding program providing them with medical/dental and feeding needs through the help of partner agencies.

E. Environmental Program
Conduct seminars/trainings to community leaders on environmental conservation and waste management for them to organize a community-led project.

F. Other Social Services
Educate and involve faculty, staff & students to strengthen commitment in helping the poor and depressed areas.

G. Monitoring and Evaluation
Update needs assessment survey, monitoring and impact evaluation for documentation.


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