Earthquake Preparedness Symposium and Drill: Building Resilient Communities

Earthquake Preparedness Symposium and Drill: Building Resilient Communities

On September 26, 2024, the SSEDMMO, in collaboration with the GAD office and NSTP, held a symposium and earthquake drill at ISAT U Leon Campus as part of the 3rd Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill, directed by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council through Memorandum No. 189, s. of 2024.

The “Earthquake Preparedness Symposium and Drill: Building Resilient Communities” aimed to enhance students’ disaster preparedness by equipping them with essential skills and promoting gender-responsive awareness in risk management. By raising awareness of campus hazards, the event empowered students to respond swiftly and effectively, fostering a safer community for all.

On behalf of Feljean C. Cagape, MGADH (LDRRMO IV), personnel from LDRRMO IV were present to ensure the success of both the symposium and the drill. They observed the drill and conducted an evaluation afterward, commending effective actions while noting areas for improvement. Julie Ann C. Casido, head of SSEDMMO, expressed gratitude to the personnel and acknowledged the feedback for enhancing future drills.

This event underscored the importance of preparedness and collaboration in building resilient communities, serving as a valuable opportunity for students to engage in proactive disaster risk management. Through continued efforts like this, a culture of safety and readiness can be cultivated on campus and beyond.

Written by: May Flor M. Tacardon, PICO Coordinator, Leon Campus 

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