Take-off Program NSTP 2-CWTS

Take-off Program NSTP 2-CWTS

    As part of their requirements to accomplish the course, the NSTP 2 Civic Welfare Training Service students of ISAT U Leon Campus conducted their first kick-off session prior to starting the immersion work.

    Mrs. Mary Antonette A. Baylosis, head of instruction, welcomed everyone and shared her thoughts on the value of work immersion for students. Also, she expressed her gratitude to the NSTP Faculty in-charge (Mr. Quirino Aligaen, Jr., Mr. Jonie Ray Tidor, Mrs. Maryflor Cansancio, and Ms. Garily Camatison) for initiating and assisting their respective students.

    The BTVTEd and BTLEd chosen students showcased their skills through dance performance and spoken poetry by Ms. Sheryl Mae Cabanero which increased the enthusiasm of the other students.

    Ms. Garily Camatison (Faculty) gave an orientation to remind all NSTP students of the dos and don’ts of conducting and implementing their project proposals.

   Selected students from BSA 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C showcased their varied talents through singing and dancing. Each class section complimented their classmates for confidently and pleasantly representing their classes.

  The emergency preparations and reminders in case of unfavorable situations that may occur during the work immersion were discussed by Mr. Melchor Cala-or (Faculty).

   The final group of chosen students, BSA 1-D, BSA 1-E, and BSA 1-F, presented their talents and wowed the audience with their performances. With this introductory program, talented First Year Students were able to demonstrate their talents and gain confidence through their skills.

    Mr. Jonie Ray Tidor, NSTP Coordinator, concluded the event by wishing all of the NSTP participants luck as they are to be deployed to their various host communities. With the full support of the School Administration, Office of the Head of Instruction, Office of the Students’ Affairs and Services, NSTP office, Faculty, and Staff of ISAT U Leon Campus, the NSTP 2 -CWTS opening program was in indeed a success.

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